Welcome to Your VIP Dashboard!

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➑ SESSION 1 - Welcome & Setting Our Intentions:

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➑ SESSION 2 - Succeed in the Future of eLearning

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➑ SESSION 3 - Black Chamber of Commerce Support

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➑ SESSION 3 - Get Certified as a Minority-Owned Business (MBE)

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➑ SESSION 4 - How to Ace your eLearning Business Audition

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➑ SESSION 5 - The Anatomy of an eLearning Course

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➑ SESSION 6 - Get Your Catalog from the Red Carpet to the Stage

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➑ SESSION 7 - Launch, Promote & Optimize Your Catalog

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➑ SESSION 8 - Live eLearning Business Coaching + Roundtable Q&A

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➑ SESSION 9 - Closing

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Congratulations! You’re registered and ready to learn how to start and scale a corporate elearning business. We are super excited you decided to join us for a game-changing 3 hours! To make the most of your time with us, review the information below so you don’t miss a minute (remember, to miss a little is to miss a lot!)

This dashboard is the central information hub for your experience. On this dashboard, you have on-demand recordings of the sessions and as well as additional resources and downloads. It’s a super easy way to get everything all in one place.

Your Ultimate Summit Checklist

What do we recommend to really make this experience stand out from any virtual sessions you’ve ever been a part of? Follow these simple but powerful recommendations below!

βœ… Download the Summit Workbook

Access your summit workbook here: bit.ly/summitresources2022

βœ… Download your virtual zoom background.

We want you to take pride in being one of our registered members! So we have made you a few incredible Zoom backgrounds you can upload to show off beyond this summit! Watch the video below to see how to download & upload to Zoom!

(Right click to save the image to your computer or screenshot if on your phone!)

βœ… Earn Your DEI Certificate!

Here’s to your “30-days to Become a DEI Minority Business eLearning Developer”!

To earn your certificate, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/ddEQn1ADk5mUgnuu7

βœ… Subscribe to the schedule.

We want you to stay on schedule! Be sure to block off the time on your calendar and join us, on time, for YOUR best possible experience. Go into the clock app on your phone to set an alarm on August 25 at 8:45am PT | 10:45am PT… then sticky note it to your fridge, your desk, your mirrors and anything else you can get your hands on!!!

Okay, we’re just kidding, but on a serious note you should do whatever it takes to show up live and on time. You’ll want to set aside 3 hours so you don’t miss a minute!Β 


βœ… Invite others to join you.

Setting a goal, in your own mind or saying it out loud to yourself, creates a 6-8 percent chance of succeeding. Writing that goal down increases your chances to between 25-30 percent.Β 

But, did you know that studies show that verbally sharing your goals and having an accountability partner makes you 65% more likely to meet your goals? YES!Β 

And this increases toΒ 95% when you commit to ongoing meetings with accountability partners, to check in on yourΒ progress.Β *Research by The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD).

So don’t do this alone!Β 

Share your experience with setting and achieving your goals with friends and family! Share this badge & tell your friends and family to join you at summit.optimizedei.org

(Right click to save the image to your computer or screenshot if on your phone!)

βœ… Show up with a Learning Mindset.

Agree to “show up with a learning mindset”.

The Learning Mindset is the habit of approaching experiences in your life in a way that allows you to learn from them.

We all share the same goal of expanding our knowledge base. In addition to learning from our thought leaders, there’s so much we can learn from each other.

βœ… Be present and really listen.

Turn off all other electronic distractions and make arrangements to minimize noise so you can focus. This is not the time to exercise your multitasking skills. The information we will share is critical to your success. Don’t miss a thing.

βœ… Check your webcam video.

When you request to be promoted to ask a question LIVE, we will spotlight you on the virtual stage, so turn your video on, so we can see you and feel your energy. This will make the virtual experience 10 times more fun and valuable for you and for other attendees, too. Also, double-check your background and be aware of your surroundings.

βœ… Be Kind.

As a VIP, please agree to “be kind and productive”. We’re all going to have opinions on any issues, and even on the perspectives of others. We want you to express your perspectives and ask that we do so in a way that is in the spirit of kindness and productivity. It’s easy to poke holes, but filling holes is much more productive.

βœ… Keep it clean.

This goes for your engagement and your personal event space (less clutter = more clarity) as well as your body! Eating healthy and getting plenty of rest will allow you to be the best you each day, to absorb as much as possible. Keep snacks on hand, just as you would for an in-person event.

βœ… Join our LinkedIn Group

Make sure you join the private LinkedIn Group. This is where you will complete assignments and where we will be picking our winners from for some incredible prizes!Β 

Click Here To Join The Private Community!

βœ… Run Miles With Us for St. Jude

Did you know that as part of this event, the OpenSesame team will run miles and donate funds for each person who attends the summit! YES! And you can join us too! Be a HERO for kids at St. Jude and join our team.

Join our team here: https://fundraising.stjude.org/site/TR?team_id=281838&pg=team&fr_id=130841

We look forward to spending 3-hours with you! Here’s to an amazing summit!